It was a month ago that the government first voted to release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.
The government voted on July 7 to return some 350,000 citizens displaced by the civil war to their pre-war homes.
Feeling betrayed by the government, he resigned in 1997 after the socialist government voted a law for the 35 hours work week.
Because of the age difference, the government voted for Emma to become Regent.
At the United Nations, most governments voted for that road to be followed.
Hearing this, the government unanimously voted to support the king's stance, and urged the people to continue their resistance.
The media - including the television - should report on the Council, so that we know exactly how each individual government voted at the end.
"Nobody has ever asked that government, duly elected, to vote," he said.
In 1994, the British government voted overwhelmingly to reduce the age of consent for homosexual men from 21 to 18.
At 5:41 pm, news reached the protesters that the government had voted to support the proposals.