On 12 January 1938 his government stripped Romanian Jews of their citizenship.
Fearing a constitutional crisis and a public outcry, the government merely stripped the prince of his military, charitable and diplomatic tasks.
The federal government also stripped all 2,320 city police officers of their weapons on Wednesday night.
The Saudi government came to fear Osama bin Laden and stripped his citizenship in the hope that he would never return.
At least the unions are standing up for their members one last time before the government strips them of all power...
He will add: "In the short term, where the government is stripping demand out of the economy, we would go less far and less fast.
The government also stripped Boeing of $1 billion in rocket business.
In 1970, two short years after the Plastic People of the Universe were formed, the government stripped them of their professional license.
And the government, by now worried, stripped the band of its license to perform.
In 1962 the government stripped thousands of Syrian-born Kurds of their citizenship.