Most of Xbalanque's time was spent trying to feed his army or worrying about when the government would strike them.
In December 1881 the government well struck water at 140 feet, which caused great relief to all.
At about this time, Edo's government had struck a business deal with Osaka.
The government swiftly struck back, deploying Arab militias across the region.
If the government strikes you on one cheek, turn it the other also.
Critics have said that the government has repeatedly struck poor bargains over valuable assets.
In the face of the grim data, the government struck an almost incongruously upbeat tone.
They weren't going to make a single extra shekel if the Israeli government struck oil, so why bother?
Early on Oct. 4, the government struck back.
The government struck a deal with a rebel group to evenly divide oil revenues once their civil conflict - Africa's longest - ends.