In 2004, journalists reported that it could take up to two days to receive their e-mails; they believed the government is spying on them.
The government spied on Lennon for the next 12 months, and tried to have him deported to England.
Those reports were a reminder that this is not a debate about whether the government should spy on terrorists by tapping their phone calls.
Before now, government could spy on individuals, monitor phone calls and even shadow them on the street.
-The government should not detain or spy on Americans without a warrant.
When a couple discovers that the government is spying on them, it has a strange effect on their relationship.
No way has yet been invented to elect a new people, so the government will instead spy on the existing people with increased vigor.
If the government is really spying on us, and watching our every move wouldn't they be able to stop so much more crime ?
Is government spying through technologies of mass surveillance, useful?
Students in the group said they were not entirely surprised to learn that the federal government might be spying on them.