The government did not re-examine the case until the early 1970s.
Other Republicans in Congress and administration officials say there is plenty of money, especially if the government re-examines whether the money it is already spending is being put to good use.
The government has since re-examined PPG17, its existing policy guidance on open space, sport and recreation.
The Washington Post reported on Sunday that the use of extreme measures had been halted while the government re-examined the law regarding how far interrogators could go in questioning terror subjects.
The TRCK recommended that the government apologize to the victims and re-examine or take action to repair the damage and restore the honor of the victims and their families.
"It is vital that the national and local governments re-examine facilities and infrastructure considered quake-resistant throughout the nation."
Mr Withrington said: "The government should re-examine their assumptions and should not encourage this until they have decarbonised the generating industry.
Some in the Venezuelan oil industry predicted that after business returns to normal, the government would re-examine its recent policy of adhering to OPEC's mandates.
I believe the government of the United States of America should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause.
And, as western governments re-examine their policies and connections to regimes in the Middle East, there has been plenty of criticism for British foreign secretary William Hague.