But he points out that recent government pronouncements suggest the squeeze is to be put on public spending once more.
There is much in recent British government pronouncement which on its own is unobjectionable or even highly laudable.
I suggest that he be limited to reviewing official government pronouncements in the future.
But everyone agrees that perceptions in the foreign-exchange marketplace, not vague government pronouncements, will be the crucial verdict.
Good things grew in that environment: a healthy skepticism about foreign wars and government pronouncements, the erosion of authoritarianism in institutions and in family life as well.
As such, government pronouncements are skeptically seen as mere lip service of politicians attempting to placate the electorate and prevent more miner unrest.
Despite government pronouncements, many international and Colombian human rights organizations say not enough is being done to punish military officials with ties to the paramilitaries.
Without an enforceable promise of confidentiality, sources would quickly dry up and the press would be left largely with only official government pronouncements to report.
Today, of course, government pronouncements constitute a small and probably shrinking proportion of all verbiage that is in some sense "national."
A committed core of Islamists kept up the fight, but most Algerians were confident that the movement had been defeated, as repeated government pronouncements claimed.