Most people looking at Internet privacy now seem to be contending with problems that have little to do with government oppression.
The registry can be protected so that it does not grow into an instrument of government oppression.
The film portrays a world rife with violence against women, high female unemployment, and government oppression.
They also demanded an end to government oppression and official contempt for popular demands.
The Rebellion broke out over economic desperation and government oppression but later assumed a religious tone.
"And the American people aren't the only ones watching - so is the world, and its young democracies emerging from generations of government oppression."
Political and religious animosity against the Witnesses has occasionally led to mob action and government oppression.
Also, large numbers of the population refused to fight, instead welcoming the Germans as liberators from government oppression.
After being released a few years later he moved back home and dropped all socialist activities because of government oppression.
The widespread use of communal apartments facilitated government oppression.