I do not blame Egyptians for what happened to my father; their government oppressed them much more ruthlessly and systematically.
He later added, "When governments repress or oppress their people, sooner or later, if they have no avenue of expressing their desire for freedom, violence takes place."
When a white racist government was oppressing Zimbabwe, the international community united to demand change.
The real threat, the government-controlled papers argued, was now in Croatia where, they said, the government was brutally oppressing the Serbian minority and planning "genocide."
This document goes in great detail about the freedoms that we have as Americans, and how the government is oppressing our certain unalienable rights.
Cardoza had no sympathy for fools or those who loved the government that had destroyed his family, oppressed his people through long generations of abuse and exploitation.
Can the Syrian government oppress a large part of the population that demands dignity and respect of basic human rights or is its violence making things even worse?
A free people, they believed, is a people that government cannot oppress, for the reason that the people have "a constitutional check upon the power to oppress."
When Belgium was established in 1830, the Francophone government oppressed the Dutch populace.
Meanwhile, "the wretched government oppressed the land more heavily than did the barbarians."