The amount of budget authority and outlays for a fiscal year usually differ because the government can incur obligations for future years.
Moody states that 'The government had thus incurred a great deal of ridicule'.
International law allows only a sovereign government to incur debt, legal experts say.
Because the government had incurred heavy war debts, Parliament chose to support these troops by levying new taxes on the colonists.
Indeed, the government could incur a small cost in developing new measures of the quality of care.
The government had incurred a heavy loss of 1,87,000 dollars in the entire transaction.
After each disaster episode the government incurs considerable expenditure directed at rescue, relief and rehabilitation.
To meet market demand the government incurs large losses importing gasoline to sell at subsidized prices.
In order to buy foreign currencies, the government has to print the yuan "at a furious pace" and therefore incur inflation.
Why should the government incur that extra cost?