Approved by Congress in 1993, such a trust lets the family save and invest money for a child without jeopardizing government entitlements.
The administration believes this can be done best by helping people buy their own insurance, rather than creating a new government entitlement to health care or raising taxes.
An economic conservative might fret about the cost of creating another government entitlement, or about trying to guarantee people's earnings.
The majority of current smokers are lower-income working people who can't afford to subsidize a major new government entitlement.
Full access to all government entitlements.
Of the 701 patients, 166 were not United States citizens and 70 were ineligible for government entitlements, meaning that they were probably illegal immigrants.
We have used our government services and have looked forward to our government entitlements.
In the House, a number of conservatives objected to the Medicare prescription drug bill as an expensive government entitlement.
He has the geezer vote, thanks to his having resisted Republican efforts to cut government entitlements to the elderly.
Matter of fact, if it weren't for government entitlements and subsidized Section 8 housing, I'd be among the homeless.