The private sector will grow if government eliminates some of these barriers.
Watching on television as our government eliminated someone in a prison death chamber would seem like just another form of reality programming.
The government has eliminated tuition at public schools and set up farmers markets that provide low-cost food.
In Finland, the government has already eliminated the little coins but is having second thoughts.
Small businesses were allowed to linger until 1968 when the government completely eliminated them.
It said by moving toward competition, the two governments could eliminate $2.4 billion more in costs.
In January the government eliminated a "dancer" visa that had been used to traffic women into the country.
The government has also eliminated admissions fees to major museums, increasing the number of visitors by 75 percent since 2001.
The government has now eliminated the fees, using donor funds.
Discussion question: Should the government eliminate bus fares in order to get people out of their cars, and onto public transport?