Give the Guggenheim and the Basque regional government credit.
In return, management - made up of the original owners and the workers - receives government credits and other incentives.
Those countries may request United States government credits and private financing, conditional on a presidential waiver.
"Now, we have to contend with the degradation of the government credit by Moody's."
Along with this will be the mass unemployment resulting from the end of government credits and subsidies to unprofitable state enterprises.
Girard's Bank was a principal source of government credit during the War of 1812.
That's giving the government credit for more brains and more integrity than it's obviously got.
A typical cycle begins with a relaxation of central government credit and industrial policy.
Establishing government credit - the ability to borrow - was deemed a necessity if the nation was to endure.
Under the plan, parents who participate receive a government credit of $1,500 per child.