The Commission claims that the government has breached an EC directive on dangerous substances in groundwater and surface water.
The Commission claims that the government has breached the directive which requires an assessment of the environmental impact of major projects.
Reprieve believed that by not providing Sandiford, a British citizen, with financial help to cover her legal costs the government had breached its obligations towards her.
Republicans said they had little choice but to pass the $450 billion increase, given the risk of a financial and political crisis if the government breached the debt limit.
According to Cliff Stone, the British chief executive of City Water, the government breached the lease contract.
The European Court of Justice held that the Italian government had breached its obligations, and was liable to compensate the workers' loss resulting from the breach.
In 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a companion case that the government had breached its contract for long term amortization of goodwill.
In 1997, a judge decided that the government breached its contract with Benj.
The European Commission has yet to decide whether the government has breached environmental assessment procedures in giving permission for the scheme.
Although our government has not breached a single provision of the Treaties, it has become an object of criticism, moralising and lecturing.