The South African government bowed to pressure and tried several Koevoet operators of murder.
The division begins with the whips from both the government and the official opposition bowing to the Speaker and each other before returning to their seats.
Environmental groups also criticized the agreement, claiming that governments had bowed to the demands of chemical companies.
The government tried to repress the revolt but ultimately bowed before Vallabhbhai Patel.
In doing so, the government bowed to a lobbying campaign by Hindu nationalists, Gandhians and small-scale salt producers.
Even the South African government finally bowed to pressure and tried several operators for murder.
The Turkish government bowed to trade union pressure and declared May Day a public holiday.
The government bowed to the combined opposition of Unionists who never had favoured partition, and the Irish party.
As in other German states, the government bowed to the storm, proclaimed an amnesty and promised reforms.
Singapore's government has bowed to local pressure and tightened rules on the hiring of expat workers in the rich city-state.