Even after a disaster of Katrina's magnitude, many experts say that a coordinated government approach to rebuilding hospitals there is unlikely.
But it could change the way the government approaches and carries out those policies, a former government official said.
These were local initiatives by presiding stipendiary magistrates and did not reflect a whole of government approach.
And it is not relying on the standard government approach of public service booklets and brochures to get out the word.
These quick wins demonstrate what can be achieved by taking a whole of government approach and challenging the way we operate and provide services.
"The longstanding government approach to sustaining rail investment is to cut the contribution from taxpayers and increase the share paid for by passengers."
The President is locked into sort of a left-wing, big government approach that we are convinced will not work.
These proposals are radically contrary to Vladimir Putin's government approach.
As governor, Johnson followed a strict small government approach.
This good path serves to strengthen a community rather than a government approach.