Have tougher corporate governance rules made public ownership less attractive for companies?
The affair might also have breached severe corporate governance rules, they believe.
But "we are doing what is needed" to tighten financial market supervision and corporate governance rules, he said.
Mockridge is likely to be asked about new corporate governance rules at News International.
"The main problem is that company management doesn't show enough respect" to corporate governance rules, she added.
"It's one of those unfortunate examples where you look at how corporate governance rules are supposed to work, but they don't seem to be necessarily working."
The company responded last week by loosening up a number of corporate governance rules.
I have less sympathy with the view that any set of governance rules will avert future financial crises.
The governance rules state that nobody can own more than 5% of the capital stock.
His statement says under the Guardian's corporate governance rules 'an' editor sees every story before it goes up.