Palestinian National Authority (1994-), the administrative organization, established to govern parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, following the Oslo Accords.
Abbas unilaterally extended his term by one year and is recognised as President by the government of Salam Fayad, which governs parts of the West Bank.
In the Palestinian National Authority, the administrative organization established to govern parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Grand Mufti is appointed by the president.
Automobiles: A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guide for Dealers Outlines rules, laws and regulations governing automobiles, parts, energy, and marketing.
It governed parts or the whole of Oman and other lands for interrupted periods of time for over 1000 years.
In terms of the criminal procedure, for example, the Dutch enacted two statutes to govern different parts of Indonesia.
The Japanese government directly governed events in Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, and parts of China.
All across the Grove, enough drink was flowing to wash the prohibitionist codes that still govern parts of the state down to the Gulf.
Several other large-scale entities governed parts of China's territory during this time and were equivalent to greater administrative areas:
Stadtholders were appointed by feudal lords to govern parts of their territory.