The rules governing such conflicts include not killing women, children or non-combatants, and leaving cultivated or residential areas undamaged.
People in the advertising industry said the move was a drastic expansion of the principles governing conflicts among an agency's accounts.
That's not to say that the lawyers are somehow conspiring against their client with investment banks or private equity firms, or violating professional ethics rules governing conflicts.
It is distinguished from public international law because it governs conflicts between private persons, rather than states (or other international bodies with standing).
Both groups also put out reports that identify whether charities have met other guidelines governing operations, conflicts of interest and other matters.
The federal statute governing judicial conflicts of interest covers only lower-court judges.
The potential benefit to the Siegel and Herson household from the appropriations could set off Senate rules governing conflicts of interest.
Accordingly, we subscribe to the second parliamentary recommendation, which is designed merely to standardise the rules governing conflicts of law and jurisdiction.
The same applies to the adoption of regulations to ensure legal certainty; I am thinking in particular of those relating to harmonisation of the rules governing conflicts of laws.
Starting in the late eighteenth century until the early 1920s a number of efforts were made to develop a series of international treaties governing international conflicts of law in Europe.