Doubles from €260 (£220) a night (continental breakfast €29; gourmet breakfast €39 per person).
They have been married 10 years, deciding in advance that there would be no children to spoil their gourmet breakfasts and champagne picnics.
The gourmet breakfast has to be experienced to be believed!
"But even more, after I make your gourmet breakfast, I'd like to take you and Kyle to the beach today."
A Map This place combines luscious decor, high-tech amenities and gourmet breakfast, all near downtown.
The couple lay on a gourmet English breakfast every morning in the conservatory, where the dining tables have been adjusted so that wheelchair users can slide in without armrests getting in the way.
A Map This gorgeous craftsman home, convenient to downtown, offers Jacuzzis and gourmet breakfasts.
Nothing if not a survivor, Claudia has now hatched the idea of opening a restaurant specializing in gourmet breakfasts - breakfast being the last culinary frontier, in her mind.
The Chalet Kilauea, the hub of this little empire, serves gourmet breakfasts and afternoon teas.
Then he read about the Island Experience: "Charming ambiance and gracious hospitality, with antique furnishings and gourmet breakfasts!