The meetings tend to avoid turning into gossip sessions, mostly because the members don't always know each other.
Now, this felt like the kind of gossip session you'd find at any other company.
He went on, "It's not necessarily about what information comes out in gossip sessions.
The limits of medical science are not being pushed during these gossip sessions, take it from someone who is married to a doctor.
He remembers the many stories of a born-raconteur (Rajit Kapur) during the gossip sessions of four young men with no better way to pass time.
Instead of gossip sessions among neighbors leaning over the back fence, however, these discussions focus on things like personal computer networking and computer science graduate schools.
The Enterprise's four female senior officers were having one of their drink and gossip sessions in Uhura's quarters.
"You mean we're not here for our regular gossip session?"
It wasn't that we had a good gossip session or anything like that.
That lunch with Hoover was not an idle gossip session.