It sells around 80 different gospel tracts.
It also is frequently found on printed gospel tracts, urging people to "repeat these words from the bottom of your heart".
He also authored the Two Ways To Live gospel tract and founded The Briefing.
A gospel tract in the Christian sense is a leaflet with a gospel message.
As an approach to evangelism, many modern evangelists attest to the usefulness of gospel tracts to spread the gospel.
Good News Publishers is a not-for-profit Christian ministry that publishes and distributes gospel tracts.
His gospel tract translated into Japanese was the first Protestant literature in Japan.
He practised distributing gospel tracts and open-air preaching among the poor.
Arriving in Tianjin, he was able to distribute some religious pamphlets and gospel tracts.
Distribution of gospel tracts, gospel calendars and other evangelistic material is commonplace.