Mama 3," the third in a trilogy of gospel musicals that originated at the Heckscher Theater in 1983 with "Mama, I Want to Sing.
THE transformation of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" into an all-black, jive-talking pop-rock gospel musical was no mere gimmick.
Anderson cites his influences on the piece being rock operas such as Tommy and Jesus Christ Superstar as well as gospel musicals.
Music figures strongly in Mr. Milner's work, from his 1965 "Whose Got His Own," to his most recent Broadway production, last year's gospel musical "Don't Get God Started."
A born-again Christian, Holliday became a traveling evangelist, and he and his wife spent the next decade preaching in gospel musicals.
He directed many stage productions, including Vy Higgensen's "Mama, I Want to Sing," a gospel musical.
LEAD: "Abyssinia," the new gospel musical, begins with a miracle.
Just as the laborers are about to be swallowed up, Mother Vera (Tina "Abyssinia," the new gospel musical, begins with a miracle.
In the traditional manner of gospel musicals, the actors' dialogue and movement are stylized enough to underscore the show's ritualistic underpinnings but without the performers' warmth being compromised.
She has participated in over 16 compilations and three gospel musicals, Mama I Want to Sing, Sing: Mama 2 and Born to Sing: Mama 3.