A large number of graduates serve in cross cultural gospel ministry, both overseas and throughout Australia.
Ford soon formed his own non-denominational gospel ministry Good News Unlimited.
In the midst of their interview, however, Woody announced he was quitting the group again to dedicate himself to his gospel ministry.
Two years later Criswell publicly committed his life to the gospel ministry.
Together Rudolph and his father trained men for the gospel ministry at this institution for a total of seventy-four years.
Bradley thought that his age was not appropriate to study for gospel ministry so he began studying medicine in the office of an Auburn physician.
Christ knoweth the state of the people, and in the pure feeling of the gospel ministry their states are opened to his servants.
This was a radical experiment in social gospel ministry within the Church of Scotland outside conventional parish structures.
His mission was to "educate men for the gospel ministry .
He was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1874.