The tourists are separated and forced to participate in various sick games which lead to their gory deaths.
Almost as if the man's gory death signaled the beginning of a new battle, the black soldiers surged forward, engaging Huma's troops.
Once he got there, he had been too happy to bring up Keith's gory death.
Airing at midnight, the program quickly earned a reputation for its gory deaths and sound effects.
They got him in the end but we didn't see a gory death.
He dies a gory death right there in the restaurant.
He has already caused a series of gory deaths from the outset of the book, and is wanted for multiple murders by its end.
Still, there was that other one who would provide grand titillation as he suffered a gory death in the Pit.
Her supporters, one by one, went to their gory deaths.
And now I fear that there is no way that I can escape gory death.