What do you get when you mix one part gorgeous weather, one part excellent fresh food, one part world-class wine, and one part home?
And for the 200,000 fans in gorgeous weather here and millions more watching Fox's telecast, the signature event of this new national pastime was a thriller.
It's not a bad phone; when you're swiping away through a gorgeous weather or news app, you completely forget its shortcomings, and it's nicely priced.
It was gorgeous weather.
More gorgeous weather for my last day.
In November it was spring, with weather consistently breezy and alternately gorgeous and wet, like New York's in April.
Strollers, sunbathers and rollerbladers took advantage of the gorgeous weather, as did hundreds of sailboats.
Since it happened over the weekend (a weekend with gorgeous weather and many Halloween parties), you may have missed the coverage of the Rally to Restore Sanity.
But what's not to love about gorgeous weather, relaxed people, and an easygoing lifestyle?
The blue seats would continue filling, the gorgeous weather would remain and the Yankees would bruise the Orioles again.