It must be very rewarding to be in a position to watch your granddaughter grow up, especially in such a gorgeous spot.
No idle ramblings, these were declamations of loyalty to one gorgeous spot or another.
It is indeed a gorgeous spot, with its dark wood moldings and windows trimmed with stained glass.
I really like driving through the UK - there are so many gorgeous spots that make for an ideal, more relaxed drive.
If you're going to go to a multifloor megaclub in DC, make it this gorgeous spot, where you're basically the star of your own Usher video.
While the new restaurant is not drop-dead gorgeous like some East End spots, it is nonetheless a charmer.
IT has occurred to me that one day Elizabeth and I will have to leave our gorgeous spot.
She couldn't remember a weekend from her childhood where a group of families got together to enjoy one another's company in a gorgeous spot simply because it was . . . Saturday.
Fabulous suntanned bodies flock to this drop-dead gorgeous spot for round-the-clock fun.
Oh, it's a gorgeous spot.