Among the few similarities between the halfpipe and snowboardcross is a preponderance of goofy names, which generally indicate grave challenges.
Kalamazoo: Who thought up this goofy name, anyway?
The trio has a goofy name that will probably ring true, with collectivity and freedom high on the agenda.
And what about the show's goofy name, which was taken from the book (and is explained, in a fashion, in the pilot)?
If you're afraid of it, someone's probably made up a goofy name for your phobia.
Actually, nothing - Justy was just another of the goofy made-up names that Japanese manufacturers love.
The overshell is a goofy name for some very cool features.
But there is one trick that needs no goofy name or hyperactive introduction.
I thought Minnesota had goofy names for places, but the South?
Its system not only requires just a few mouse clicks to set up, but it even comes with its own, much less goofy name: AirPort.