True, even in the face of misfortune, Loren radiates a goofy charm.
The hotel has undergone renovations, a process that one writer said "robbed it of some of its goofy charm."
Chief among those things are a quick, improvisational wit and a goofy charm somewhat at odds with his troubled screen persona.
In its present habitat, "Fools" could exert a certain goofy charm, but only in highly abridged form.
Still, at a list price of $39.95, this compilation of music, photography and video beguiles you with a goofy charm.
The result was hard to follow, but full of goofy charm.
He credits the show with having some goofy charm but is disappointed by the same old stereotypes.
Why George Bush's goofy backstage charm was so disarming.
But the combination of travelogue and sitcom has a goofy charm of its own.
Although construction work prevented us from looking inside, seeing it four months short of completion lent a goofy charm.