It was clearly a good-sized fish and I scrambled to reel in the adjacent line.
Not only up, but he had caught three good-sized fish which he was broiling over the coals.
After a moment the nibble I had became a bite, and I swiftly pulled in a good-sized fish.
At the end of an hour, he had five good-sized fish.
The old Irishman reached down and pulled up a chain from the water with six good-sized fish dangling from it.
I turned to help, and at the same moment Luke's rod gave a shudder, as it too took the strain of a good-sized fish.
He helped Carol land a good-sized trout-a beautiful fish with steely black eyes.
In another, someone holds a fishing pole with a good-sized fish dangling at the end.
But Mr. Hackett said that good-sized fish could still be snared.
I wheeled back and saw Jim now braced against his rod, knees bent, fast to a good-sized fish.