Bohemond looked at the man, his expression placid and good-natured.
He smiled a smile he'd practiced in the mirror, one that shaped his soft, flexible features into a good-natured expression of idiotic fun.
His face and mouth could assume a good-natured expression, and smile; but his eye was still the same--it never smiled, but remained cold, hard, dry, and inscrutable.
Then, too, Nana had a good-natured expression, while with the countess it was hard to decide--she might have been a cat, sleeping with claws withdrawn and paws stirred by a scarce-perceptible nervous quiver.
He had the vaguely good-natured expression so often found on fat people, a certain bland, almost foolish, looseness of the facial muscles.
His normally good-natured expression had faded into an impassive mask.
Rosane Collor's contemptuous remark about 500,000 in the streets grossly underestimated the extent of public outrage and ignored its nonviolent, good-natured expression in marches, demonstrations, vigils and other actions.
He was fiftyish, of ponderous frame, heavy features set in a shrewd, good-natured expression.
The man was small and his face showed a good-natured expression.
The head is painted with a striking black mask that extends above the eyes; the Leonberger's good-natured expression is elegant, intelligent and confident.