This section might include money owed for goods or services received but not yet paid for.
No more goods must receive originating status than would have been the case if the materials had been physically segregated.
Spanish goods received certain tariff privileges in Florida ports.
Deliveries are recorded in a 'goods received' book.
Imported English goods would only receive a 15% duty, compared to 25% for goods from other nations.
Indian goods receive duty exemption advantage in this land port.
Low follow-on sales - once the payment message has been sent and the goods received there is little else the consumer can do.
Certainly, the transit corridors and goods and passenger transport networks must receive greater attention.
A condition is that no more goods will receive originating status than would be the case if materials were physically segregated.
'Who gives his own goods shall receive it back tenfold' 1735 (Mexican)