One of the main tasks facing any international trader is to make sure that goods reach their buyers and their final consumers in perfect condition.
That is, the goods will probably reach the wholesaler-but one time in four, they will not.
Live animals, meat and plants may need licensing and health inspection from various UK-based government agencies before your goods reach their destination.
Many goods no longer even reach high street shelves as retailers sell merchandise direct to the black market.
There's more than one hand in this, but the stolen goods will reach the hand that's behind it.
With connections to the Illinois Central in Galena, local goods reached Chicago and points beyond.
Predictably, people have reacted by hoarding what few goods reach the state stores, emptying shelves even of basic items like salt.
But the weakening dollar makes Asian goods more expensive when they reach their most important market, the United States, which may damp demand for them.
British goods reached Dutch destinations via neutral German ports, or disguised as "American cargo."
They were walking along the River Beltis, down which goods from the interior reached Valles.