The nature reserve has several good lookouts that offer fine views of the coast.
Why don¡ t you let me steer and get a good four-man lookout up here?
We'll keep a jolly good lookout and see if we can find out what it is.
Ramage kept a good lookout ahead and behind, but the road was empty.
And keep a good lookout, we don't want to abandon you out here on your own.
'Keep a good lookout and report when the box is up,' he said.
"A good lookout will see smoke at dawn, long before people who live next to a fire."
I am spending most of my time in the streets, keeping a good lookout for her.
There should have been at least one lookout, however good they thought their camouflage was.
The privateersmen weren't keeping a very good lookout: not a man in sight on deck.