They rarely let the truth impinge on a good anecdote.
If so, at least they'll have a set of good anecdotes.
There were a few close calls in his air tanker days, but nothing that really made for a good anecdote.
Despite these shortcomings, the book is sprinkled with good anecdotes.
Finding six good anecdotes a month from among 422,000 readers should be no big deal.
It's a laborious process, occasionally rewarded by a good anecdote.
Mr. Gray has an ear for the good anecdote, but appears never to have heard one he didn't believe.
Herb says a relationship that begins without a good anecdote has no future.
I've told this story before on a blog, but what's the point of a good anecdote if you can't repeat it?
There are lots of other good anecdotes about the bomb and Father, from other days.