Finally, Crawford has a golfing facility, the Legends Buttes Golf Course.
Dubai has really good golfing facilities, world class in fact.
Greater Moncton has many golfing facilities.
The new facility houses a weight room, wrestling practice facility, and indoor golfing facility.
The park also has riding stables, a horticulture centre, children's play area, athletics track, football pitches, tennis courts, bowls and golfing facilities.
With period formal gardens, leading crafts museums and extensive golfing facilities, it is about 100 hectares in area.
Both have extensive golfing facilities and marinas.
St Augustines GC also has a bar for those using the golfing facilities.
The city also has golfing facilities and parks, as well as wineries.
One in particular, of a (undoubtedly re-touched) Churchill when he visited the (mostly) golfing facility in the early '50s, was very striking.