Her hair was worn loose, falling in a golden veil around her face and shoulders.
A moment later, the image of the Council was replaced by that of the planet, swaddled in its golden veil.
The cloud grew itself to be a woman, shawled in a golden veil.
I was staring up at a waving cloud of his hair, the lights sparkled through it like a golden veil.
Upon the water the mist floated in a golden veil, spotted with the dancing of a myriad tiny flies.
The mist had lifted and thinned to a golden veil.
It was like a golden veil in the forest when autumn is upon the world.
Keleios could hear the rustle of the golden veil.
Somewhere in the race the golden veil had been lost.
Aisling had his golden veil wrapped around his face and hair again.