It was a cool pleasant night and a full moon shone above the mountains, making a golden path across the water directly towards them.
Less emphasis on degrees as the golden path can only be a good thing.
It was a clear night, the moon carving a golden path across the sea, the air pleasantly cool now.
The thing is, for big organizations to embrace something, they often need the template, the strict rules, the golden path.
Be nice to me, folks - I'm the only thing standing between you and your golden path.
At any moment the sun would appear over the horizon, blazing its great, golden path across the sea.
He opens the golden path without tempting the goddess's thirst.
But Seaver, he seemed to be walking a golden path.
For the first few years, however, Curzon continued to walk along a golden path.
The heavily-padded warrior must cross the golden path without falling at any point.