And the chimes at the Ferry Building played one bar of music - "San Francisco, open your golden gate" - and fell silent.
Golden Gate - The main entrance to the palace, the golden gate, is a masterpiece of artwork.
Well, she can't take her money with her--she'll have to leave it all behind at the golden gate even if she IS a Murray.
I followed him till we came to a golden gate; and I thought I saw your husband there.
"Just because you are legal, it doesn't open the golden gate."
Zixx and her new team must find the key to the golden gate, the portal to the next level, but it is not as easy because the gate also shifts around.
It was a great golden gate stretched across the water!
However, the crucifixion group, golden gate, and parts of the quire were preserved.
Nearby the tower there is an ascending red wall with a closed golden gate.
He saw the golden gate, though, how the Magyan giant had sprung the bars like bits of wire-my faith, what strength the animal had-and he cursed.