In some literature, Ra is described as an aging king with golden flesh, silver bones, and hair of lapis lazuli.
He chomped the peach, ripping golden flesh away from the pit.
Slowly the twins caressed the naked woman, kissing and licking every inch of her plump, golden flesh.
She moved closer, and Raistlin felt her hands touch his golden flesh.
How her toenails flashed in the light with the golden flesh beneath them.
I have found the strong skeleton beneath the golden flesh of the world, the iron in the marrow, and the deep green blood.
She flicked an invisible bit of dust from the golden flesh of her thigh.
She screamed once then, and stared down in disbelief at the hilt protruding from that golden flesh.
He watched the play of her golden flesh.
Every time she looked at the golden metallic flesh, all she could think about was Jaza.