The miniature gold stupa in which they were transported to Mandalay may be seen in the photo to the right of the modern ruby and gold reliquary.
Titus' skull, encased in a gold reliquary, is on display in a small side chapel to the left of the main entrance.
The items from the Middle Ages include a large number of gold reliquaries.
The Bimaran casket is a small gold reliquary for Buddhist relics that was found inside the stupa no.2 at Bimaran, near Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan.
His colleague at that moment was chipping at a small gold reliquary encrusted with gems.
Doyle enquired, pointing to the gold reliquary that had just been so rudely opened.
The cathedral owns a gold reliquary of special importance, and two major 19th century paintings by Michele de Napoli.
I saw it myself, the gold reliquary with a gold cross upon it, and a fragment of the gospel of Saint Finnbarr inside.
In its gold reliquary, it was looted in the Sack of Rome in 1527, but eventually recovered.
Attempt to rule out, or in, the possibility that the Magi bones were the source of the powder found in the gold reliquary.