Afterward, the five of them sat around the fire, staring at the gold flames.
The decoration is a regular octagram made of blue enamel, the spaces between the rays filled with gold flames.
With their wide bases that taper upward, the forms resemble red candles topped by gold flame.
Even the candles are gold in golden sconces, and burn with a sheer gold flame.
His blade hissed out, flashing gold flame back at the sconces.
She could see it in her mind, pale gold flames just touched with deep red at the edges.
The fire shimmered down to a pool of gold flame, tipped red as ruby.
Her flesh was seared wherever he had touched, as though he'd carried the tiny gold flame of the candle in his fingers.
A black and gray redeco of Optimus Prime with gold flames.
The wood fire in the hearth offered the only light, its orange and gold flames flickering hypnotically before her dark eyes.