The junior maiko's collar is predominantly red with white, silver, or gold embroidery.
It's so much gold embroidery and seed pearls would make any bit of jewelry too much.
The golden colour represents the art of gold embroidery, which once dominated the region.
It was richly made with silken fabric and gold embroidery.
Such buttons were often mounted on a patch of coloured cloth or gold embroidery.
He opened it to find a smart-looking young page boy, all dressed up in ruffles and gold embroidery.
In each portrait she is wearing rich fabrics, gold embroidery and jewelry not at all typical of a young 17th-century Dutch woman.
Gabriel put on his white shirt and scarlet tabard with the gold embroidery.
But it is his evening dresses that really sizzle, many with thick gold embroidery on black velvet.
Her hood has black velvet lappets and gold embroidery, 1490s.