To obtain anything like pure silver from a natural gold alloy involved a relatively sophisticated process of separation.
Cadmium can be added to gold alloys in amounts of up to 4% to achieve a green color.
Piercing jewelry is often made of a gold alloy, the most common being 18k, with 24k being entirely pure and much softer.
Tut had somehow got his face permanently plated with a flexible gold alloy at the age of sixteen.
We've become a gold alloy of some sort, a new hybrid.
Such nibs are usually of 14K gold alloy.
The mine still has a wide variety of gold alloys, and is a particularly good spot for alluvial.
Palladium is one of the three most popular metals used to make white gold alloys (nickel and silver can also be used).
- as the blade ran across it, leaving a tiny scar in the gold alloy.
The metal in the bracelet is a gold alloy that contains copper.