Two principal goals are currently driving the field of social vulnerability research:
Relevant goals (when met) drive the team, department, and organization forward.
The Rangers' fourth goal, on the power play at 10:38, drove Bergeron from the net.
Somehow, that goal does not drive Dakides, nor other extreme stars like her.
Hendrickson's goal, at 7:59 of the third period, made the score 7-1 and drove Richter from the game.
The common goal of each student's success drives the school's desire to be an intimate-yet-exceptional learning environment for all children.
But the lofty goals just don't drive me anymore.
One goal drove him: deal the same painful death to Staven's murderers. is a California not-for-profit organization striving for cleaner energy resources, but some believe this goal will drive prices up and put people out of work.
By going easy on the teachers, the Mayor convinced many labor experts that political goals, rather than financial ones, may have driven the details of the new contract.