Let's go with the public version.
We're going with the version where Pa Kent has died.
Should I go with the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the operating system?
In one case - the exhaust system - the team went with the old version (which drew scorn in the marketplace and had to be redone).
Are you better off saving your money and going with the original version?
"Sesame Street" went global, with foreign language co-productions in 15 countries and the original version shown in 80 more.
Or maybe he just went with the American version: "Hold your horses, will ya?"
We go with the retail boxed version for the three-year warranty and the included heatsink and fan, which are actually quite good.
"Definitely go with the first version," Morelli said.
And you should have gone with the international version of The Professional - Leon.