The king went ashore with the army, and set up his camp on the higher ground above the inundated fields.
The huge eunuch was not going with the army, and rumor had it that he was none too happy about this.
Then again, as the defense secretary recently said, you go to war with the army you have.
"You go to war with the army you have," Rumsfeld replied.
The rest of the delegation went with the Swedish army.
How are the Sisters and how go matters with the army?
"You will go and take your places with the army," Bestesbulzibar instructed.
The charges and the beatings went on through the day, with the army an increasingly visible presence.
Most Americans who do travel there go with the army and leave as soon as they can.
Cromwell, not yet the sole head of the government, went with the army to Ireland and in a year subdued the entire country.