"Went right after himself with a knife from the server."
Another guy in the group went up to him with a knife and slashed the logo.
Go scrape at that one with a knife if you wish, and see.
While Lisa and her husband argue about Billy, he goes into his brother's room with a knife.
Tell them that I will go into the pit, with only a knife, and bring him out, without either of us being bitten.
His initial plan was probably to go in with a knife, something quiet, so he wouldn't attract attention.
I had no desire to go to Hanoi with a knife clenched in my teeth.
He then went into the building with a knife, but was subdued by police officers inside the complex.
One of the junkies went for the policemen with a knife, and they shot him dead.
Go at him with a hatchet in each hand and a knife between my teeth?