Under the old law, the first $600,000 of an estate's value went untaxed.
With the new tax on services, little short of a handshake will go untaxed.
If too many sales go untaxed, then what?
The middle class is being destroyed by taxes while American companies are earning profits that are going untaxed.
As a result, more than 60 percent of the income earned within the District goes untaxed.
Since few people are able to invest more than $15,000 a year, these accounts would mean that for most, investment income would go completely untaxed.
With a huge black economy much of it from crime going untaxed, I can't blame some sections for wanting to protest through striking.
If such indexation were in effect, your $300 sale of stock would now go untaxed.
Between 25 and 40 percent of the economy goes untaxed.
I think the Government is concerned about all the potentially undeclared income that may go untaxed.