There are attempts going on to create a non-profit foundation that can raise funds, and do other things related to Wikipedia and other similar projects.
However, after an ill-fated tour, the group went on hiatus and pursued individual projects before reuniting in 1995.
Bob Payne later went on to build several characters for The Muppet Show and other projects where he did occasional puppeteering.
And yet, he acknowledged, "we still have smaller discussions going on real interesting projects."
A great deal of spending went on social and community projects, an area where the voluntary sector flourished.
Some was paid to the farmers, some went on projects such as the construction of four new schools.
Most of the modest expenditure since 1970 has gone into ESA on joint projects.
And it is far from clear that the backers can raise the construction money needed - especially considering the European penchant for going first class on such projects.
No wonder our economy is in bad shape, when 60% of all R & D goes on defence-related projects.
In 2009, €12 billion of the EU budget (totalling €133.8 billion) will go on projects to boost Europe's competitiveness.