Then they went for 2 points on pass plays and missed every one.
Sure, the correct play was to go for 3 points, but the Lakers wouldn't let us have it.
John also went under the Olympic record, clocking 12.85, for 1,147 points.
If he was really hot, he could've gone for 65 points.
Parents, if your kid can go for 80 points, say amen.
But if a team is 8 or 11 points behind late in the game, it might go for 2 points.
It's like going for 2 points against Miami in '83.
"Get ready to go for 2 points," the quarterback said.
Instead, if the Dolphins had scored again, they would have been forced to go for 2 points to tie.
Dartmouth went for 2 points and failed, giving the Lions one last shot.